Zenerith Alpha
Multiplayer RPG on Roblox that takes place in the world of Zenerith, full of quests and exploration.
Arcade third person space action game, resource miner. Think elite dangerous mixed with warthunder, but more casual. That's the universe of Voyager. Take on the perils of space for the might of the Terran Empire!
Professional Work
A list of games and software I've worked on professionally throughout the years.
Easy Games
Easy Games
Sandbox and economical RPG inspired by Minecraft's Skyblock Mod.
Blog Posts
The latest posts on my blog, "Vorlias' Vast Void".

Moving to a simpler and type-strict RbxNet

Breaking an economy using a sign
A list of projects I've worked on, or are working on that aren't featured above
2D arcade space fighting game I built entirely in my own C# game engine
Heroes Legacy
RPG set in the world of Zenerith, the earlier version of the game Zenerith.
Andromeda Engine
2D game engine
Spitefire v2
2D arcade fighter based on a game I made in Highschool, written in C++ using SFML
Open Source
The open source things I've created or contributed a sufficient amount toroblox-ts
Roblox TypeScript
A TypeScript compiler for Roblox.
A networking library for Roblox
Runtime scripting console for Roblox games, powered by Zirconium
Zirconium Language
Runtime scripting DSL for Roblox
Serilog inspired logging library for Roblox